Saturday, August 6, 2011

An Open Letter to Kai Lan

Dear Kai Lan:

I want you to know first of all that I write this letter out of concern, and not out of judgment. Obviously, we have never met. All I know about you is from your show, Ni Hao Kai Lan, but what I have seen is enough to cause me to worry. As a mother of a young daughter, I feel it is our responsibility as parents to monitor our children's friends, especially those that may be a negative factor in our kids' lives. I don't know what has happened to your parents, but they clearly have a limited role in your life. I think your grandfather is doing the best he can, but it is difficult for a man his age to take care of young children. First, let me tell you that no matter what your parents may make you feel, you deserve to be loved. And love doesn't have to hurt.

Which brings me to Ho Ho. I am very concerned about this monkey's role in your life. I have seen him yell, ignore your grandfather, but it was when I witnessed him physically abusing another person that I felt the need to write this letter. I do not think your other friends are angels either, especially that tiger, and I worry that Ho Ho represents an escalating pattern of behavior the others will follow.

Violence is never the answer, and I worry that your Grandfather's mild "discipline" and allowing these animals to remain in your life is only going to lead to a life full of pain and acting out. We all saw what happened to Hannah Montana. And you're better than that Kai Lan. As a Chinese female celebrity, I hope you will be a good role model for my daughter who is half-Chinese. I hope that you will get rid of these negative forces in your life, and take the wiser and healthier path in life. Please don't become another child star statistic. We have enough Lindseys and Vanessas, enough naked pictures and bad/pathetic sequels.

So please Kai Lan, please make good choices. You deserve it.

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