Thursday, August 4, 2011

Husband's Present

So the parade of presents continues. Today, on my actual day of birth, I got to open my present from my husband, and Lo of course. My initial impression is that yes, I am psychic. Without fail, Husband buys me my presents at Target unless he is specifically instructed to buy something from a different store. I can't complain too much, since Target is really his favorite store in the whole world, I tend to buy him presents from JCrew and Gap since those are mine. And at least he didn't go buy it today-on my birthday. He had to have at least planned ahead by 12 hours, which is pretty huge. So my gift starts with a bag of cotton candy. I do love cotton candy. It then follows with a Dairy Queen t-shirt.

Me: A Dairy Queen t-shirt? Why did you get me a Dairy Queen t-shirt?

See, we took a road trip to Arkansas during which we joked about Thomas getting a job at Dairy Queen so he could learn how to make a Blizzard cake. I thought he got the whole inside joke wrong...

Thomas: Because that's where we met, in 6th grade. Though apparently you don't remember. Still.

At this point, I do feel slightly chastised...unfortunately I find his pathetic face and attempt at being romantic hilarious, and I immediately bust out laughing at him. I'm like 0 for 2 at this point.

Me: Oh, I was just confused because we had joked about you getting a job there last weekend, so I thought that' what you meant....

Good save?

The present ended with perhaps the best and most perfect card ever. A picture of an open fridge with a bottle of vodka and some coffee with the caption "You can tell a lot about a person by what they eat". See? Most perfect card ever.

So he didn't do such a bad job, plus I saw him trying to buy tickets for the Jay-Z Kanye concert for me, even though he didn't buy them, so that counts a little.

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