Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I Believe the Children Are Our Future

That's right, Whitney Houston said it, and I believe it. For the most part. I mean, technically, yes- all children, as our progeny, are the future of each parent's genetic longevity on Earth. But are ALL children our future? Sorry, but I refuse to claim the woman at Wal-Mart's kid as my future. Period. However, there are children that will actually be a part of the future of the human race that will propel society forward. Much like the highly entertaining and yet undervalued Eddie Murphy movie, The Golden Child, there are children who simply by their birth contain hopes and dreams they have yet to fulfill. The Dali Lama of each generation. A little kid named Jesus. And now, the child I have personally been waiting for, Jay-B. That's right, the king of Hip-Hop and the Queen B herself have finally genetically engineered the future of music.

Now, I'm not crazy. Seriously. This is what everyone was hoping would happen with Michael Jackson and Elvis' daughter. This is what genetic engineering is all about. This is the ultimate of ultimates combining. This is the culmination of talent and good genes that I have personally been waiting for since I heard they were dating after Crazy in Love and Bonnie and Clyde.

So when I read the Beyonce had announced her pregnancy at the VMAs, I freaked. Thomas was at the grocery store, while I was at home making sure that our family's future food for the soul aka music, was taken care of. So I'm researching the pregnancy announcement, when the Queen takes the stage herself. And at the end, she rubs her baby belly, Kanye jumps up and down and hugs Jay-Z, and Hova himself is beaming. There are tears in my eyes. Tears of joy. Because I know, if Kayne West is flipping the eff out, it's real. It's real, and omg my dreams have come true.

I have been referring to this future offspring as Messiah, meaning my Musical Messiah. And I understand that people may take offense to that. But I still maintain that this much God-given talent that is sure to be passed on must be recognized in some way.

So Thomas is still at the store. He's gone for at least an hour. And this time, I have worked myself up to quite a tizzy. I am literally waiting for the headlights in the window and I rush to the kitchen where he's dropping off groceries. Knowing what monumental news this is, and knowing that he knows how important this is to me, I immediately tell him.

Me: Thomas- omg, guess what has finally happened!!

Thomas (in as bored and grouchy a tone as possible): I don't know- what.

Me (With smiles, tears in my eyes, and hands to my face to show excitement: Beyonce's Pregnant!!!

Thomas: ...

Me (Waiting expectantly):...*smile*...

Thomas: Great (*eye roll*).

Me (Yelling towards the end): I can't believe you! You know hoe much I've been looking forward to this!!!

I then proceed to turn around, and run out of the room and go to the bedroom.

Thomas eventually comes to me- after actually putting up the stupid groceries. His "apology" is something along the lines of "I'm sorry I don't care about Beyonce being pregnant". I tell him "You mean you're sorry for being such a jerk when this is something that is really important to me". He replies in the affirmative, and I'm sure there was some muttering about me being crazy.

But I'm not crazy. I just love me some Jay-Z and Beyonce. And I think that every now and then, Whitney Houston has a point.

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